L is for Laverne ( Laverne and Shirley )

” Laverne & Shirley is an American sitcom that ran on ABC from January 27, 1976, to May 10, 1983. It starred Penny Marshall as Laverne DeFazio and Cindy Williams as Shirley Feeney, single roommates who work as bottlecappers in a fictitious Milwaukee brewery called Shotz Brewery. Among others, the series was known for Marshall and Williams’ physical comedy. ” 


Gotta love this show! Looking at these old shows now verses back then or years and years ago, I really pay more attention to the details of the wardrobe. 

The clothing was so much of the 50’s and 60’s styles, although the show aired in the mid 70’s thru the early 80’s. Same as when they were on Happy Days. Such vintage looks. 

As a pinup and vintage stylist this show alone, has so many fabulous styling ideas for me. Just like Happy Days, even the extras were dressed so Awesome! The scarves around the neck, poodle skirts or pencil skirts. The high heels and hairdos. Etc.

This show is like a cross between I Love Lucy and Happy Days. Extremely funny, great physical comedy like Lucy. But the innocence of the Happy Days. Style all the way thru. Even the mom’s outfits on Happy Days, very cool like June Clever. The Vintage housewife like Lucy.

Two best friends, like Lucy and Ethel, or in The Odd Couple. And a great cast of other very comical actors. I will revisit and rewatch this iconic American show and get some great vintage styling ideas.

Vintage Stylist Dianna Prince 

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