Pop Open Some Soda Cans To Style Your Hair!

Or beer cans,… Lol. Short easy, fast and adorable. Women used to actually use soda and beer cans to set their hair. I’ve styled at least 6 models this way for photo shoots. So much fun.

Once we remove the cans the hair has body and big curls. Everyone is always amazed that rolling your hair with cans really works to set and curl the hair. I’ve done this look too. Super cute. 

Vintage Stylist Dianna Prince 

All images above found on Google. 

Elizabeth Prada by Pinup Dolls Photography 

Angel Rose by Pinup Dolls Photography

Kara by The Dianna Prince Pinup Academy 

Dianna Prince by Gonzalo Gatica Photography 

October Devine by DOLLHOUSE Photography 

Vintage Stylist Dianna Prince 

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